INSPIRE Leadership Collaborative

The Institute for Systemic Program Improvement through Research in Educational Leadership (INSPIRE Leadership) Collaborative provides a suite of surveys and evaluation resources to support continuous improvement of leadership preparation, professional learning, and practice.  The INSPIRE Leadership Surveys are available for leadership preparation programs, states, districts, and schools and can be used to provide feedback on program designs, implementation, outcomes, and program improvement.  The INSPIRE Leadership Surveys are aligned with national educational leadership standards and even the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) Institutional and Program Quality Criteria.

The INSPIRE Leadership Suite was designed by and is administered by a team of leadership development experts from the INSPIRE Leadership Collaborative. The INSPIRE Survey suite is administered by the Utah Education Policy Center.

For more information or to participate, please contact us.

For more information or to participate

INSPIRE Leadership Collaborative Team

Michelle D. Young, PhD              Loyola Marymount University

Andrea K. Rorrer, PhD                University of Utah

Diana Pounder, PhD                   University of Utah

Susan Korach, EdD                     University of Denver

Yongmei Ni, PhD                         University of Utah

INSPIRE Faculty Fellow

Jiangang Xia, PhD                     University of Nebraska

INSPIRE Support Team

Kristen Weissinger, MS             University of Utah


Preparation Program Edition (INSPIRE-PP)

The INSPIRE Preparation Program Features (INSPIRE-PP) Survey is designed to describe core features of educational leadership preparation programs. These descriptive data may be used for multiple purposes including program description, improvement, program approval or accreditation. These data may also be used as part of a larger multi-institutional state or national database that could capture trends in educational leadership preparation. The Program Features survey includes questions concerning candidate selection practices, program design, core content, instructional delivery approaches, candidate assessment practices, program improvement, and accreditation.

Graduate Edition (INSPIRE-G)

The INSPIRE Graduate Survey is designed to elicit feedback from program alumni on their leadership preparation experiences and learning and career outcomes. Results from this survey are intended to be used in conjunction with the results of other INSPIRE Collaborative  surveys as well as other program and candidate evidence for formative and summative leadership preparation program evaluation. Information from these surveys may also be used by states to understand how alumni perceive their contributions of their preparation programs.

Leader in Practice Edition

The INSPIRE Leader in Practice (INSPIRE LP)  Survey enables  educational leadership preparation programs, districts, and states  to document leadership practices and school improvement and organizational indicators from the perspective of leaders, and program graduates, who are working as school principals and assistant principals.

360 Edition (INSPIRE-360)

The INSPIRE 360 Edition enables educational leadership preparation program, districts, and states to understand the leadership practices and school improvement and organizational indicators in the schools where program graduates work from the perspective of teachers and district leader(s) supervisors.

INSPIRE District Program Edition (INSPIRE-D)
INSPIRE District Support Edition (INSPIRE-DS)


INSPIRE Publications

Ni, Y., Rorrer, A., Pounder, D.G., Korach, S., & Young, M. (2019).  Leadership Matters:  Preparation program quality and learning outcomes, Journal of Educational Administration, 57(2), pp.185-206

Pounder, D.G. (2019).  The Evaluation of Educational Leadership Preparation.  In D. Fisher (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Education.  UK:  Routledge.

Pounder, D.G. (Oct 2012).  School leadership preparation and practice survey instruments and their uses.  Journal of Research on Leadership Education(2), 252-272.  Full-text electronic access:

Anderson, E., Winn, K., Young, M., Groth, C., Korach, S., Pounder, D., & Rorrer, A. (October, 2017).  Examining university leadership preparation:  An analysis of program attributes and practices.  Journal of Research on Leadership Education, Online First, 1-23.

Pounder, D.G (2011). Leader preparation:  Implications for policy, practice, and research.  Educational Administration Quarterly Special Issue on Leader Preparation, 47(1), 258-267.

UCEA INSPIRE Research Briefs and Related INSPIRE Documents:

INSPIRE 2017 Graduate Survey Results

INSPIRE 2017 Leader in Practice Survey Results

INSPIRE 2016 Graduate Survey Results

INSPIRE 2016 PP Survey Results

A Deeper Look Document

INSPIRE Overview Document